Saturday, August 19, 2017

Pamir Highway Day 4 Alichur - Bulunkul - Yashilkul

We stopped at several 50f lakes today, including a lake with black fish, a salt lake (Tze-kul), a rotten-egg smell lake (Sassyk-kul) , a national park lake with a nice sandy beach, etc. 
The fish lake has the Ak-Balyk (White Fish) spring by the side of the road and a fish restaurant, but we did not try the fish. While we were ready to leave the fish lake, a group of 7 local me with masks walking towards our car with vicious eye contact X-rating us while talking to our driver. We were very nervous and only asked our driver who they were after they left that whether they were highway robbers. Our driver laughed and explained that they were yak drivers. 

We stayed with a Friendly and hospitable familly (no english spoken) in tajik style mat. I had a lot of rice, eggs, snacks, yak butter, bread, mutton, Pamiri tea (sheer-chai), once freshly made warm bread (non), but never enough vegetables. I have been eating one tomato, one carrot, and grapes each day in addition to vegetables in meals to reduce consterpation but no result, and yet finally huge bowl of yogurt did the trick. What a relief! I spotted the Milky Way and many stars in this absolutely zero light pollution sky. 

Life is this area is very simple, since there is no TV, movie theater, or Internet. People eat, work/study, sheet, and sleep day after day, without much to look forwards to.

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