Sunday, August 27, 2017

Crash another wedding in Tajikistan

After starved in mountains for three days, now crashing a TJ wedding. Takish people are so hospitable!

was one hour late at my first TJ wedding catching so they just assembled a plate for me which I noticed not much animal protein. Since I started the second wedding dinner from the beginning, there were two main courses: meat stuffed peppers and Chichen strew. TJ wedding banquets were humble compared with 8-10 main courses Chinese banquets, yet definitely more dancing and guest participation. There were at least two other weddings going on alone the Main Street when I went back to my guest house, and Mr. Niyozkul encouraged me to attend another one, but I was tired from the hike and cold and needed rest. 

The day and night temperatures fluctuate a lot, so my cold started before Fann mountain hike got worse via camping. I am eating a lot of vege and fruit plus night quill to get over with coughing. Hope my strategy works. I stayed in a guesthouse next to Mr. Niyozkul's house so his daughter cab help with my laundry with their washing machine and easier for taxi share pickup for 5-hr ride to my last city Khujand in TJ. Although this guesthouse has no wifi, I can use beeline data package which still has over 3gb left. 

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