I visited quite a few old colleagues in Taiwanese government, and listened to their concerns for the Taiwanese authorities and the island's future. They feel as conflicted and powerless as American civil servants under the current administration while admiring the vision and achievements of the Chinese leadership. My 2-month trip in Central Asia and the Chinese Silk Road provided me clear perspectives of the scope and impacts of the "One Belt One Road" policy as well as the pride and confidence of Chinese people on their government.
Thanks to my boss in Boston for the delicious Italian lunch and insightful conversation.
As I grow older, I tend to avoid looking back to the old days unless I returned back to the old places. I was in my childhood neighborhood near 師大路 this afternoon, and I mastered the courage to locate the house I grew up in but not to ring the doorbell to see who are living there after my parents died. The house looks very much the same while the neighborhood changes dramatically.
I agree, so brave to go up to the door of your old house. What is one belt one road.